
This is one shipmate’s memory of the only female member of The Mad Hooligan crew.

We were docked in Mobile Alabama loading a cargo of ammunition which we would carry for the next three months and finally deliver to the Pacific war zone. Just before leaving Mobile, two little doggies walked up the gangplank. Both dogs appeared to be about six months old. One was a black Labrador with white markings. The other was a brown mongrel. The crew named them EIGHTBALL and SIDEPOCKET.

Both dogs were suffering from mange, a skin disease. Our two pharmacist mates went to work and within a short time had cured both cases. It was decided that one mascot was enough so Eightball joined the crew and a home was found for Sidepocket. Eightball became an active crew member, complete with her own medical record. She was assigned a bunk in the after crew’s quarters. Eightball took part in all drills including “General Quarters” where she would be found racing throughout the ship making sure that every man was at his battle station. Three times a day she would join the crew in the chow line and depended on each man to share a little of his rations. Eightball could be very secretive, e.g. no one ever knew where she defecated ——————— maybe it was better that we didn’t know!

Eightball loved the water. She would always join the crew for our in-port bow ramp swim parties.

Another memory story describes an unauthorized aquaplane. This aquaplane became the enjoyment of the entire crew, including Eightball.

Many times she would accompany a shore party to one of the islands. We remember, late one evening, after a day of baseball and beer on the beach, Eightball was missing. She had been left on the beach. Our boat crew was sent to the shore to find our mascot. On arriving at the beach, there was Eightball waiting on the dock, baying like a wolf. Many boats, all looking the same, came in and out of that dock but Eightball somehow knew to which one she belonged.

Once while beached in Okinawa, A goat was brought aboard through the bow doors. Eightball became so jealous that she chased that poor goat from one end of the ship to the other unil that poor goat leaped over the side.

Eightball was honorably discharged and went home with John Carris. All the Carris children grew up with our famous mascot. Eightball lived to the ripe old age of eighteen years.